
Friends of Kate Middleton say it was “almost desperate” that she had to make cancer announcement

Kate Middleton’s friends express dismay over her public cancer announcement, deeming it “almost desperate” after enduring weeks of speculation. In a heartfelt video, she bravely discloses her diagnosis, prioritizing explaining it to her children. The timing coincides with Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis’s school break. Although Kate’s dignified demeanor underscores her resilience, specifics of her cancer remain undisclosed.

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The video release responds to persistent rumors and public scrutiny, aiming to address lingering questions. Friends lament the necessity for transparency due to misinformation. One friend notes Kate’s sadness at having to share her diagnosis. Another acknowledges her duty as a public figure and the importance of normalcy.

As Kate begins her recovery journey, we hope she finds peace away from public scrutiny.

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