

Kate Middleton, Prince William’s wife of 13 years, has recently undergone abdominal surgery at The London Clinic. The reasons behind the surgery remain undisclosed, a decision mirroring the royal family’s traditional discretion regarding personal health matters. This approach starkly contrasts with King Charles III’s openness regarding his health issues, including prostate surgery and a subsequent cancer diagnosis.

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Prince William, expressing his current state, mentioned, “I’ve seen less than ever… With my wife, it’s been a bit… But I hope we catch up, I’ll make my list tonight.” This statement reflects the impact of his wife’s health on his personal and professional life.

The privacy surrounding Kate Middleton’s health condition has spurred widespread speculation and inquiry, particularly given the royal family’s varying degrees of openness about such matters. Although it has been confirmed that her condition is not cancer-related, rumors and conjecture abound, with some suspecting Crohn’s Disease, a hysterectomy, or surgery related to

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